Monday, April 2, 2012

No Regrets

Here are some pictures!  baptism is Ha'o, Kana, his friend baptized him, the temple, in front of the mission home in Honolulu, and something else that I can't remember...I think it's me in front of the Laie Temple..but i don't remember...haha. The Loo's who I live next door to have a son who is out about the same time as me.  I had dinner at Brother Kapu's house last night.  Their family is awesome.  We taught them the restoration and he was impressed with my teaching skills.  Didn't know I was that good...I'll only get better.  One thing brother Kapu said about his mission was basically his companion was known as a baptizer.  He baptized like crazy on his mission, but he was disobedient.  He said, and this will be part of my personal mission motto, "Think of how many souls you could have saved if you had been obedient"  the last part of my motto is "No Regrets".

OHH!  I saw someone from the MTC I met at gym!  he was in the last shot of the elders.  Pretty cool.  IDK if I ever talked to him but I saw him several times a week!   Read Alma 56:47. You raised me right.  If you closely paid attention to conference I guarantee you missed something crazy that happened because I almost missed it as well!  Our stake president, President Auna, is now a 70!!!!!  That's why we have a special stake conference Sunday!

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