Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Faithful ancestors

In his farewell talk Jared told this story about our 4th great grandmother Elizabeth Buck Garlick. She was born May 2, 1795 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. She married David Garlick October 1, 1816 in Pennsylvania. They lived in Providence, PA. This is her conversion story-One morning Elizabeth told of a dream she had the night before. In her dream two strangers had come to visit them. Over their heads was a large motto bearing the words “Truth will prevail.”In her dream she heard a voice say, “These are true messengers of God. Hear and obey." This dream disturbed the Garlick family considerably. Then about a week later, two
Mormon missionaries came to their home. Elizabeth recognized the missionaries as the two men she had seen in her dream. The missionaries, Elder William Howard Bosley and Elder John Fleming Wakefield, taught the family about the new Mormon religion and Elizabeth and her three oldest daughters, Hannah, Susannah, and Mary Jane, were baptized 5 October 1837 along with sixteen other converts of the Cambelite faith. Elizabeth often bore testimony during the years that followed, "I knew it was the true gospel, and I never could deny it.” Within a few weeks of joining the Church, 20 others were baptized and then the mob spirit arose against them. Their friends and relatives turned against them. After two years they left everything behind and headed for Missouri, but the Saints had been driven out of there and so they headed to Commerce, later called Nauvoo. They arrived in November. All the houses were full and so they had to live in a blacksmith shop. It had no floor, door, or chimney. . . .

Later her whole family joined the church with some of her kids being baptized in the Mississippi River by the prophet Joseph. Some of her daughters worked in the house of Hyrum Smith. They eventually went west with the Saints and settled in Sandpete County. Her daughter Talitha Cumi Garlick Cheney wrote a history of her life that I will share later. I am very grateful for my ancestors who lived in the early days of the church and stayed faithful. There lives are a great example to me.  I am especially grateful for Elizabeth listening to the Spirit, because of her many generations have had the Gospel in their lives!

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