Monday, March 26, 2012

Earthquake and a Baptism

We had an earthquake here! My first one! 4.4! It was crazy. Pretty scary but it was only for a few seconds. We were studying as a companionship when it happened. Very distracting...stupid Satan...oh well. I also had couple more "Firsts" this week. We went tracting and we walked up to a truck, they all had bongs and were smoking weed. We tried teaching them but they were SOOOO high that they couldn't understand. But we also had a first that was VERY positive. First baptism. I met Ha'o the first night I arrived. First Saturday I was here was his first lesson. He was baptized 2 weeks after his first lesson. So awesome. His full name is Kuha'omekeanokalani Hitoshi Tesuo Faumuina. It was a relief that I didn't baptize him cuz I wouldn't be able to say his name haha. The baptism was so awesome! His family definitely felt the Spirit.

I'm definitely growing every day a considerable amount. One of the sisters from the district in the MTC who is in the same mission, Sister Wright, said something her dad told us. "The days are long, but the weeks go by fast" Mostly true, but the days go by quickly as well sometimes! D&C 84:85...I think that's is it. "Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." But what that says is very true. Here's a saying I've heard several times already here..."Winners listen, losers wait for their turn to speak." If I think about what I'm going to say and ignore the Spirit, I won't know what to say. If I just have a clear mind and trust that I'll know what to say and when to say it, I'll say things I'd never normally say. Very cool. I had that experience tracting a few days ago. Aloha! Mahalo!

1 comment:

  1. Great news, Jared! We were just talking about you in priesthood opening exercises. Now, I have a report to give.

    I had seen the report of the earthquake, centered in Hilo. I did not say anything to your mom Sunday morning, since she didn't mention it. I thought she would lose her mind with worry. She was going to find out, sooner or later. So, I didn't want to worry her.
    She is so proud of you. As we all are...I got here from her Facebook page.

    Rock on, little brother! You are an inspiration to many. Stay strong, and listen to the Spirit. It is the most important tool that you have!


    Mick Adkins
