Monday, March 19, 2012

Be Still my Soul

A few days into being here I was in my first lesson, but since we learned nothing about Preach My Gospel and the lessons I couldn't really chime in since I had no idea what was next. But I helped teach this young man Kuhaomekeanokalani (Hao for short) twice already, teaching him again tonight, and baptism interview wednesday and baptism saturday! He is so ready! We taught his family last night with a recent convert. It rocked.

 In the MTC we taught an "investigator" to practice for the real world. Our lesson was supposed to be less than 30 minutes. It was 70 minutes of absolute rubbish. No spirit at all. We just went around in circles. My companion was almost ready to give up and go home it was so bad. I wasn't quite at that point but I was extremely frustrated and angry at myself. I had planned to go to choir but after that lesson I didn't feel like singing. After some convincing from one of the sisters I felt like I needed to go. We sang "Be Still my Soul". Holy wows that made my day so much better. The whole thing is amazing. My new favorite hymn! The last line of the first verse is probably my favorite. "Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end" or something like that. Just thought I'd share that with you. not sure if i told you this but Jeffrey R Holland came to speak to us at the MTC. It was sweeeet. I got my first sunburn doing some yard work for 2 hours at a members house.

 The pictures are... President and Sister Dalton with me the day I arrived in Honolulu.  Sister Wright has a teddy bear as herself. It's funny because her full name is on the 2 tags. Sister Wright is what her name tag says but the bears is Elder Teddy...her first name is Teddy haha. Picture of us pointing to where we are going...From left to right...kinda.... Elder Bateman, Sister Smoot(in blue) Sister Mallory (in green) Sister Wright (floating head), me, Elder Garcia, Elder Hunter, Sister Duke...all of us are in Hawaii! Elder Streeter and Buckley are in Guatamala MTC. Last picture is the view right outside my pad. The sky and the ocean really blend in today. Hope you can see it clearly...I love this place.

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