Sunday, April 22, 2012

To the Kids

Hey Jaxon, Noah, and Tenley! I was planning on writing you 3 a letter today but I don't have much time since it is the last week of the transfer! I've been here almost 6 weeks, can you believe it? I heard KU lost Tuesday when we were in Hilo training to become better missionaries with our mission president! I was sad but at least they made it there! That's so cool about your Easter egg hunt! Sounds like you had fun! Thanks for praying for me, I pray for everyone back home every morning and night! Noah can have my popcorn if he wants. But don't share with Tenley, because I don't think she can have any yet. You're lucky you can chew gum, as a missionary, we cannot. It's one of the rules, and I'm trying very hard to follow them all, because rules are there for a reason. How is Tenley doing? Does she remember me? I'm 1/12 done with my mission...not that I'm counting down, I just realized it the other day. Going by fast! I hope you have a great week and learn a lot more about the solar system! Love you and miss you! Aloha!

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