Monday, April 23, 2012

Stop It!

A Beautiful Cupcake

Well we had another baptism! That's 2 so far. 2 more in the next 3 weeks! At the baptism the bishops wife gave the talk on was hilarious to me...nobody else...but she said that the gospel is like this box of cake mix she was holding. And if we apply the gospel in our lives we use the cake mix to make something better. If you apply the gospel in your life you can become a beautiful cupcake...I'm sure that is everyone's goal, to become exalted...and become a beautiful cupcake haha.

Well I only got 1 letter this week, and that's from grandma...very exciting life I lead with many great number of friends supporting me, yeah? no...but oh well...I'm glad to hear you invited the missionaries over for dinner...make sure to have them over every month. I heard they don't get fed by members very often...and working with members is SO important in this work...knocking doors all day is not are some statistics.... 0.1% of the doors we knock the people get baptized...60-80% of the people who meet with the members and missionaries for lessons are baptized...which one looks better to you? So do all you can to invite your friends, neighbors and everyone to take the missionary lessons at home. Invite people over for dinner with the missionaries so they, too, can become beautiful cupcakes. Dang that'd be great to put in a talk someday!

Continue to spiritually, pray, read! It's good stuff! Well, I'm getting pants are getting tight...but just the most important ones...the ones that match my suit...the ONLY ones that match my suit are almost too small...dern it...I'm planning on buying a jump rope and a couple resistance bands to aid me in my exercise time. Well I miss you and love you. Aloha.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Called to Serve

To the Kids

Hey Jaxon, Noah, and Tenley! I was planning on writing you 3 a letter today but I don't have much time since it is the last week of the transfer! I've been here almost 6 weeks, can you believe it? I heard KU lost Tuesday when we were in Hilo training to become better missionaries with our mission president! I was sad but at least they made it there! That's so cool about your Easter egg hunt! Sounds like you had fun! Thanks for praying for me, I pray for everyone back home every morning and night! Noah can have my popcorn if he wants. But don't share with Tenley, because I don't think she can have any yet. You're lucky you can chew gum, as a missionary, we cannot. It's one of the rules, and I'm trying very hard to follow them all, because rules are there for a reason. How is Tenley doing? Does she remember me? I'm 1/12 done with my mission...not that I'm counting down, I just realized it the other day. Going by fast! I hope you have a great week and learn a lot more about the solar system! Love you and miss you! Aloha!

Monday, April 2, 2012

No Regrets

Here are some pictures!  baptism is Ha'o, Kana, his friend baptized him, the temple, in front of the mission home in Honolulu, and something else that I can't remember...I think it's me in front of the Laie Temple..but i don't remember...haha. The Loo's who I live next door to have a son who is out about the same time as me.  I had dinner at Brother Kapu's house last night.  Their family is awesome.  We taught them the restoration and he was impressed with my teaching skills.  Didn't know I was that good...I'll only get better.  One thing brother Kapu said about his mission was basically his companion was known as a baptizer.  He baptized like crazy on his mission, but he was disobedient.  He said, and this will be part of my personal mission motto, "Think of how many souls you could have saved if you had been obedient"  the last part of my motto is "No Regrets".

OHH!  I saw someone from the MTC I met at gym!  he was in the last shot of the elders.  Pretty cool.  IDK if I ever talked to him but I saw him several times a week!   Read Alma 56:47. You raised me right.  If you closely paid attention to conference I guarantee you missed something crazy that happened because I almost missed it as well!  Our stake president, President Auna, is now a 70!!!!!  That's why we have a special stake conference Sunday!