Thursday, October 4, 2012


Thumbs up

7 Months

yeah, i've been out 7 months...crazy...time is flying!  it's getting a little frustrating that we have been working out tails off and 1/2 of our investigators are moving and basically the other half have dropped us...there are only a few that's also frustrating that the elders who are not doing anything besides sit at their pad and do whatever they want are getting a bunch of baptisms handed to them...basically the ones who work don't get as many baptisms as those who, what we call, "sack out"'s weird how that works but it's true for the most part...but they'll have to answer for wasting the Lord's time someday...and that will not be well...


well i'm getting transferred...after 3 very quick months...we were supposed to get transfer info last night but we didn't...but we know that I'm leaving because President called my companion and said he will be training so that means i'm gone....that also means i'm gonna be a mommy!  in mission lingo the person who trains is the dad and the dad's last companion is the new missionaries mom.  so...i guess that means i'm pregnant and will be giving birth early wednesday morning.  and I don't even get to meet the kid if I go off island!  oh well...
it sure feels weird leaving.  i packed up about half of my things last night.  I feel like an expert packer now....about half my things are packed and I still haven't even touched my red bag!  amazing I know...
I will be sending a box of every letter I've received thus far on my mission...I also have in there a book I grabbed from the "take this  away" table at church the other week...a little but really big book called "mormon doctrine"....that book is nuts and I definitely don't need it on the mission...some of it is opinionated and the stuff that is pure doctrine is way too deep to share with investigators...but to expand my knowledge of the gospel I will read it when i get home.   it's like True to the Faith but as deep as can be stay crazy!
we had a wonderful sacrament meeting yesterday.  there were a few nonmembers there and a part member family...the husband knows the church is true and when his kids do something they shouldn't he tells them "why would you do this?  You hold the priesthood!..."  not sure why he hasn't converted but....i'll never know...ever since I got here I was excited to be able to teach that family....he sounds so close...but I guess the Lord has different plans for me...we were never able to teach him...
well...I hope to soon find out about transfers...I'm not as anxious as I was all yesterday when we waited for president to call us back because I know i'm leaving...
this pday we are having a bbq and signing journals.  We finished asylum saturday and I will be doing it for the last time with elder hanks and humphreys.  that'll be exciting.  overtime:)

Monday, August 27, 2012

5k kinda

this week was good...our only really solid investigator wants to be baptized in mid september...please hold your applause!  not sure if i told you this but last month president dalton was inspired to have a goal of 125 that was our goal...for july...."just do it july"...well we just did it...128 last month...and for this month we made our goal far we have 128 that have either been baptized already this month or will be this weekend...we just need 2 miracles to reach our goal...we are trying to get 1,000 for this year and if we keep this up we will get it in 2 months!  isn't that crazy???   I think it is...

This week I ran a 5k...actually that's a lie..I participated in it...I only got through half of it...i'm getting fat but working out twice a day now so that's new comp is Elder Orberg from Utah comps yet...haha.  Kalani got baptized friday the 13th...i wasn't there obviously because of transfers but it's all good...Hope to be on big island when they go through the temple!  I saw a Kansas Mailbox sticker somewhere...I'd go take a picture of it but we saw it when we got lost in our area and I have absolutely no idea where it was...
speaking of getting lost we are white washing...we are both new to the area and have no idea where we are going...luckily we have a gps...we got up one morning to do morning exercises at the church with the rest of the zone...we type in the church and pick the "closest" one...we ended up in pearl city...which is out of zone...haha oh well...
This week was a blast...last pday we went on a hike along the ocean. it was basically awesome....I'll include some pics of it...but it was a blast...and of course I got a sunburn...junk!
So my last ward had 3 white families...and everyone said "that's the whitest ward you'll be in on your mission...when I got to the 5k I saw barely anyone that wasn't white...I didn't see the ocean...I just saw white people and mountains...I thought I was in Utah for a while...seriously...It was really weird...I'm really white so I fit in perfectly but I feel SO out of place...I miss all the Pidgin and all the different cultures and nationalities...oh well...I'm in whiteville for a reason :P
this week we had a mini-missionary.  Elder Chang...he's 17 years old...we had an excellent weekend planned and we were excited to show him what missionary work is like...well we did/didn't at the same time...we had an appointment on friday and 4 on saturday...the 4 on saturday were at 1, 2, 3, and 4.  VERY busy day...well guess what happened...every.  single. appointment. cancelled.  without a doubt the most depressing day so far...we were about to invite 2 to baptism and meet 2 part member families...I was pretty frustrated...on top of the 4 straight cancellations it was pouring ran....unlike it has ever before here!  (at least that's what all the locals were saying)
we rescheduled most of the appointments but we'll see if it happens...hope you have a good week!  Love you!  Aloha!

New Pictures

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Staying in Honokaa

I know you love pictures but you don't want me to send you all the ones from this week...So I'll send you some...don't be mad that I'm not sending them'll be thankful...the 1 I'm not sending is our ward mission leader, Troy Martinez gutting a pig. Pretty nasty I sent it to father. and YES! I got the package, thank you so much...I saw it at the post office and thought "oh it's just my suit...insanity couldn't get here that fast...I opened it up 8 hours later on my bed and freaked out.

Anyhoozles, The baptism was a success...I never thought I'd see it...We stopped at Jodice's house my first day here and for about 2 weeks we weren't let in the house... Elder Hammond will be exchanged in 2 days and I'll stay here in HONOKAA SOOOO PUMPED!!!! I love these people here...we HAVE to come to the big island when I'm pau mission...pau means finished...I love hearing people speaking pidgin to each's so funny! Anyway I have a couple more minutes here so I'll email the last person now...have a good week! ALOOOOOHA!

New companion and hot peppers

I did asylum Saturday. I woke up extra early (6:10 so not too early) I LOOOOOVE IT...My suit fits fantastically! After my email we went to da kine ocean...we went to a cliff and hit golf balls into the ocean. So sweet.  Here are some cool pictures!

My new companion is freaking awesome! I've had more fun in the last week than I've had in the first 3 months of my mission! So the young man we baptized blessed the sacrament this and last week! So awesome! So I did something bad...something very stupid...I ate a freaking hot pepper...Hawaiian chili pepper...holy hot...I ate it at the Soong's house...Then yesterday at lunch...I failed to wash my hands all the way...I wiped my nose...both nostrils were on fire! like someone holding a flame up to my nose...then as we were teaching DAN (that means taking a Daily Afternoon Nap...) I rubbed my was freaking ridiculous! I wanted to was so horrible! But good stuff...Well..not sure what else happened...but I'm actually starting to enjoy my mission! Aloha!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Visit from the 70

Mahalo for sending all that da kine (da kine can mean anything you want it to...seriously...anything...just fyi).  Much appreciated!  I had quite an interesting week...Elder Wilson of the 70 came for mission tour!  He spoke to us in the MTC and he had such good trainings...He was the one that spoke in conference, the funny one when he said he can tell his wife what to do since he has the priesthood haha...

While on exchanges with Elder Duck we did Insanity for morning exercises!  It was awesome!  Later on we visited with a less active member...he told us to sit down and he stood for the lesson...randomly, in the middle of the lesson, he just starts practicing Kempo Karate, kicking backwards, kneeing the air and throwing was so funny!  Then he starts losing his balance and falls over and grabs my leg for balance.  Awkward.  After that lesson Elder Duck told me I should've stood up and read 1 Nephi 17:48 to him.  (I think that's the right verse)  read it right now...another one that applies to it is Mosiah 13:3 that I read last night.  

While tracting the other day we knocked on this guys door. He said he wasn't interested in talking to us...after a minute or 2 he started opening up.  He said he was a convert, "fell in love with the elders who taught him".  He was offended at Sacrament meeting once and never came back.  He told us part of one scripture...that we need to "become Christ..."  We said "oh yeah, Christlike?" he said "no, Jesus taught everyone to become him, which is what I did...I'm Jesus Christ"...didn't even take 3 months for find a false Christ...That was a pretty crazy 30 minute lesson haha...

Mahalo for the birthday letter and everything you do for me!  I greatly appreciate it...tell everyone mahalo that sent me something...not sure if i'll have time to write them today...Pday's on the big island are hard for me to write letters since I'm driving everywhere...if I don't write anyone back it's cuz we're busy...we haven't even been shopping for 2 weeks...that's how busy it is... I don't have any time to write...Pday lasts only 8 hours...which I'm not sure why it's called's from 10-6...and we try to do activities during those few hours...which leaves us no time to write anything...but I try my best...I hope to see my Asylum get here before transfers!!  they're next week!  These 6 weeks flew by!  I hope I stay in Honoka'a!  This place is amazing!  1 baptism coming up...but after that we have nothing...we really don't have any solid's small kine depressing....anyway enjoy that picture of the Big Island missionaries with President and Sister Dalton and Elder Wilson and his wife!  bye

Hope you have a good week!  Aloha!  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baptism on Cinco de Mayo

Here's some cool stuff that happened...umm...1 more baptized!  so 1 each month I've been out!  Ha'o in March, Denn in April, and Anna Aurello May 5th!  Cinco De Mayo!  We all wore fake mustaches and ponchos...but not really! Aloha!

Read the last chapter in Alma.  About the isles of the sea, also read 2 Nephi 10:20 Is that Hawaii or what?  And also read 2 Nephi 12:10.  So awesome...if you look carefully it spells "UTAH" vertically with a few words, starting with "mountains".  I almost flipped when I saw it.  We did helping hands Saturday, but ironically enough it didn't help my hands.  We pulled elephant might wonder why it's called's the answer, it's huge.  It is as thick as the face of a quarter and grows to about 15 feet...I cut up my hands so good...I couldn't stop bleeding in the first 5 minutes under my middle finger nail...I felt so lazy standing around holding my finger watching everyone else work...we did service at the elementary school clearing out a "shady" area.

The jumping picture is of me and Elder Rokete.  He's the funniest Elder I've ever met.  I've had lots of good times with him!  I have some videos of him and I singing songs in the car.  I'll try to send them but they're too big to fit in the email...I'll figure out a way don't'm with the same companion...I have 3 weeks left with him.  I did get the package...or present as they call it in pidgin...thank you so much!  I now have 2 resistance bands and probably shouldn't gain any more weight!  I'm back down to 153!
GOOD STUFF!  you get to call me on Mother's day/my birthday!  Okay, so I'm having Father call at you both get 20 minutes...I hope that's okay.  So if you me at 1 p.m. HAWAII time!  not your time, I'll be worshiping at church...probably teaching a need interrupt 1 p.m. hawaii time...not your time...get it got it? good!  haha.  Well next 2 saturdays are filled with 2 more baptisms...hopefully...1 is tentative...we're working on making it a permanent date!  Have a  good week!  Love you!  Miss you!  7 minutes to email 7 people...oh jeeez........K BYE!!!!

New Pictures