Thursday, October 4, 2012


well i'm getting transferred...after 3 very quick months...we were supposed to get transfer info last night but we didn't...but we know that I'm leaving because President called my companion and said he will be training so that means i'm gone....that also means i'm gonna be a mommy!  in mission lingo the person who trains is the dad and the dad's last companion is the new missionaries mom.  so...i guess that means i'm pregnant and will be giving birth early wednesday morning.  and I don't even get to meet the kid if I go off island!  oh well...
it sure feels weird leaving.  i packed up about half of my things last night.  I feel like an expert packer now....about half my things are packed and I still haven't even touched my red bag!  amazing I know...
I will be sending a box of every letter I've received thus far on my mission...I also have in there a book I grabbed from the "take this  away" table at church the other week...a little but really big book called "mormon doctrine"....that book is nuts and I definitely don't need it on the mission...some of it is opinionated and the stuff that is pure doctrine is way too deep to share with investigators...but to expand my knowledge of the gospel I will read it when i get home.   it's like True to the Faith but as deep as can be stay crazy!
we had a wonderful sacrament meeting yesterday.  there were a few nonmembers there and a part member family...the husband knows the church is true and when his kids do something they shouldn't he tells them "why would you do this?  You hold the priesthood!..."  not sure why he hasn't converted but....i'll never know...ever since I got here I was excited to be able to teach that family....he sounds so close...but I guess the Lord has different plans for me...we were never able to teach him...
well...I hope to soon find out about transfers...I'm not as anxious as I was all yesterday when we waited for president to call us back because I know i'm leaving...
this pday we are having a bbq and signing journals.  We finished asylum saturday and I will be doing it for the last time with elder hanks and humphreys.  that'll be exciting.  overtime:)

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