Monday, August 27, 2012

5k kinda

this week was good...our only really solid investigator wants to be baptized in mid september...please hold your applause!  not sure if i told you this but last month president dalton was inspired to have a goal of 125 that was our goal...for july...."just do it july"...well we just did it...128 last month...and for this month we made our goal far we have 128 that have either been baptized already this month or will be this weekend...we just need 2 miracles to reach our goal...we are trying to get 1,000 for this year and if we keep this up we will get it in 2 months!  isn't that crazy???   I think it is...

This week I ran a 5k...actually that's a lie..I participated in it...I only got through half of it...i'm getting fat but working out twice a day now so that's new comp is Elder Orberg from Utah comps yet...haha.  Kalani got baptized friday the 13th...i wasn't there obviously because of transfers but it's all good...Hope to be on big island when they go through the temple!  I saw a Kansas Mailbox sticker somewhere...I'd go take a picture of it but we saw it when we got lost in our area and I have absolutely no idea where it was...
speaking of getting lost we are white washing...we are both new to the area and have no idea where we are going...luckily we have a gps...we got up one morning to do morning exercises at the church with the rest of the zone...we type in the church and pick the "closest" one...we ended up in pearl city...which is out of zone...haha oh well...
This week was a blast...last pday we went on a hike along the ocean. it was basically awesome....I'll include some pics of it...but it was a blast...and of course I got a sunburn...junk!
So my last ward had 3 white families...and everyone said "that's the whitest ward you'll be in on your mission...when I got to the 5k I saw barely anyone that wasn't white...I didn't see the ocean...I just saw white people and mountains...I thought I was in Utah for a while...seriously...It was really weird...I'm really white so I fit in perfectly but I feel SO out of place...I miss all the Pidgin and all the different cultures and nationalities...oh well...I'm in whiteville for a reason :P
this week we had a mini-missionary.  Elder Chang...he's 17 years old...we had an excellent weekend planned and we were excited to show him what missionary work is like...well we did/didn't at the same time...we had an appointment on friday and 4 on saturday...the 4 on saturday were at 1, 2, 3, and 4.  VERY busy day...well guess what happened...every.  single. appointment. cancelled.  without a doubt the most depressing day so far...we were about to invite 2 to baptism and meet 2 part member families...I was pretty frustrated...on top of the 4 straight cancellations it was pouring ran....unlike it has ever before here!  (at least that's what all the locals were saying)
we rescheduled most of the appointments but we'll see if it happens...hope you have a good week!  Love you!  Aloha!

New Pictures