Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Staying in Honokaa

I know you love pictures but you don't want me to send you all the ones from this week...So I'll send you some...don't be mad that I'm not sending them'll be thankful...the 1 I'm not sending is our ward mission leader, Troy Martinez gutting a pig. Pretty nasty I sent it to father. and YES! I got the package, thank you so much...I saw it at the post office and thought "oh it's just my suit...insanity couldn't get here that fast...I opened it up 8 hours later on my bed and freaked out.

Anyhoozles, The baptism was a success...I never thought I'd see it...We stopped at Jodice's house my first day here and for about 2 weeks we weren't let in the house... Elder Hammond will be exchanged in 2 days and I'll stay here in HONOKAA SOOOO PUMPED!!!! I love these people here...we HAVE to come to the big island when I'm pau mission...pau means finished...I love hearing people speaking pidgin to each's so funny! Anyway I have a couple more minutes here so I'll email the last person now...have a good week! ALOOOOOHA!

New companion and hot peppers

I did asylum Saturday. I woke up extra early (6:10 so not too early) I LOOOOOVE IT...My suit fits fantastically! After my email we went to da kine ocean...we went to a cliff and hit golf balls into the ocean. So sweet.  Here are some cool pictures!

My new companion is freaking awesome! I've had more fun in the last week than I've had in the first 3 months of my mission! So the young man we baptized blessed the sacrament this and last week! So awesome! So I did something bad...something very stupid...I ate a freaking hot pepper...Hawaiian chili pepper...holy hot...I ate it at the Soong's house...Then yesterday at lunch...I failed to wash my hands all the way...I wiped my nose...both nostrils were on fire! like someone holding a flame up to my nose...then as we were teaching DAN (that means taking a Daily Afternoon Nap...) I rubbed my was freaking ridiculous! I wanted to was so horrible! But good stuff...Well..not sure what else happened...but I'm actually starting to enjoy my mission! Aloha!